Last week or so, I had my first encounter with a bad retaining spring or wire for the fire control group.
Turns out my problem is typical of AK noobs. I got plenty of help on the subject here:
Thanks guys.
I decided to order a retaining plate as suggested to replace the wire. I ordered a Red Star Arms FCG pin retainer plate from AK builder.com. It was really cheap and I have more confidence in this item already. I swapped it out and now need to take it to the range to test it out.
The plate vs the spring:
The problem in the first place.
The wire or spring held the the trigger and hammer pins into the reciever. If the spring tension is lost the pins slide out of the gun and voila the hammer goes flying forward sideways (like it is supposed to do upon removal).
So, I learned that I didnt know all that I thought I knew. OIm better off now, and ordered a spare for my friend.
So, continue on if you want and laugh at me as I fret about my beloved AK that was "broke"
(Original post)
As you can see the hammer should not look this way. I was 11 rounds into the shoot and then I went to fire and nothing happened. I could not move the bolt it was jammed. I took of the dust cover and the recoil spring and there was the hammer cocked out of socket and jammed up.
The range guy helped me unlodge the hammer and remove the live round.Good thing there are back up options if the apocalypse tries to catch me off guard!
If you shoot long enough I guess you see it all. As a former aircraft mechanic I can tell you if its mechanical...it's gonna fail!
This poor AK needs medical treatment stat!
On a side note the cheek piece works great!