I am using this 1x4 board of pine wood as a "test stain" with 1st aid generic iodine/iodide solution as stain. I plan on refinishing an AKM stock whose finish is severely cracked and crumbling from years of harsh conditons.
Before I try out this experiment on the stock, I want to get a range of options to choose from, hence the test.
1st coat, top of stain wiped off, half of wood left bare. About a tablespoon/squirt soread with a tooth brush. Pic taken moments after application. I plan in adding a few coats to part of the stained area before applying Shellac over the stain.
3rd &4 th coat dry (Darkest area's)
I left some overlap to show the progression. I will be applying Garnet Shellack to half of tue long side to show off the combination at different levels of stain, including no stain bare wood.
Another coat. But I wiped it off, too soon I think. Anywats it seems to be taking on s brown hue in the daekest area's but Im not sure if it is from oxidation of the iodine or just thockness. I like the color the best around 3-4 coats but I'm ready to see what the shellback can do on top of these, 1 coat if iodine could be enough for all I know.
Here is the garnet shellac (on 1 side)

Romy War Stock Before (cracked finish with sticky crap)
After citris clean bath and 3 coats of iodine